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3938 LINE

Hello investors in Japan! As I live in the United States, please accept my most sincere apology for grammar, Google translate it to write this. I have never been to your beautiful country, but I love to visit someday.

I am writing because investors and I in the line company ADR have closely watched 3938 LINE. Can I please humblely offer my idea? I strongly believe in the company.

Concern: No dividends. Solution: LINE has to introduce its own cryptocurrency.  Equity investors must invest additional capital and be the right to issue new currencies. This is useful in the LINE ecosystem, which drives the growth of currency value. This will look like boosting dividends. LINE leads the world to show the usefulness of cryptocurrency in daily life for common interests. Everyone can launch cryptocurrency, but no one could put it in order to use like LINE!

Concern: Short selling is hurting general investors. Solution: LINE needs to add functionality for users of LINE to purchase LINE shares with a small amount of 10 shares on the new LINE FINANCIAL platform.  If all LINE 1/2 charged customers purchase 10 shares, it will be 2 million shares. Let people shred short-term sellers.

Concern: no consensus on the value (range of target price from 3000 to 5900). Solution: We must show the company as a growing company - LINE growing income fast, more importantly, LINE has created a completely new revenue source. This is a story of growth! We should not consider LINE as a value stock. It was smart to hand off the LINE mobile nut and bolt to SoftBank. Let's focus on Softbank concerning hardware and let LINE focus on growth.  

FSA, as much as possible, LINE requires LINE to require approval of FSA. The FSA needs a responsible enterprise to handle cryptocurrency exchanges. I believe that FSA will immediately grant LINE's approval as LINE builds carefully and does not worship at the altar of subscriber growth. It works over time and LINE works fine. In the United States, people are mad at Facebook and Twitter for irresponsible growth and election problems Today, celebrities such as violence remove Facebook and seek their friends to do the same.

The cost was the biggest last quarter so they should not be taken in by people telling you selling LINE. But I knew that the cost was up to the release of wave speakers. They also upgraded to the conference call in October 2017 and spoke to us. They were exactly what they said they would do, so now are you punishing some stocks? Do not fall for it. Short selling, because you want to run, they can easily book a profit. Remember that growth companies and management team are credible to my eyes as they told the truth.

Concern: They said they needed funds for growth at a telephone conference on January 31. Solution: To raise funds for LINE financing with a new cryptocurrency launch that is used more frequently than any cryptocurrency in the world to actually purchase one.  This will boost the currency value, it will be like a shareholder's dividend.

Concern: No stock split. Solution: LINE finance users allow you to purchase a small amount of line stock via the LINE financial app.  This will shorten the short-term seller and increase the price for future division. We will also resolve arguments among institutional analysts for the target price.

Concern: Bad international growth. Solution: LINE needs to have a team of three employees from all over the world to maintain the country's fresh LINE platform.  The team will be the eyes and ears for the country's LINE. Please do a simple platform (here in the U.S. example), and only add the preparation function. But keep the fresh platform! The platform is old here in the United States. I can tell that no one has paid attention from LINE's company. why not! I remember seeing Kevin Costner in the Field of Dreams at the theater where I was a boy. If you build it, they are coming true, but the platform can not feel like an old biscuit. Can you give a small amount of love OK to all the countries? Remember, celebrities are using Facebook to terminate here in the USA. . .where Should they go?

Long Game:  I respect LINE properly for building stuff and it works fine in LINE in the long run. That's why I own shares. However, general investors *** Authoring and institutions of story for this great Japanese company, they did not have short inventory after the last quarter, they are too expensive, then we run Do not let me say you are surprised at seeing. I call bullshit! I am not a sheep dog, sheep.

*** I know, I know, LINE is owned by NAVER, it is not a true Japanese. For the company, its argument is a valid argument. In order to truly prosper you need to take it back to Japan by Softbank or someone else. Just a matter of time in my opinion.

Best regards

In the USA, LINE supporter


