Thinking outside the veil

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Thinking outside the veil

When I was little and would dream about my big day marrying whatever member of NSYNC I was most in love with that week, my outfit always looked the same: pristine white ballgown, long flowing veil, towering high heels, crustiest hairsprayed up-do.

Because that's what brides wear, right? Except none of that is actually me, and I think one of the simplest, but most often overlooked pieces of wedding fashion advice is to look like you on your wedding day.

Perhaps looking like you on your wedding day does mean poufy dress and veil, but if it doesn't, here are a few suggestions to help you think outside the veil.

photo from : short bridesmaid dress

When I got contacts as a preteen, I became a member of the school of thought that men seldom make passes at girls who wear glasses, and I pretty much never wore my glasses unless I was going to be at a pool, and I would never have DREAMED of wearing glasses to any sort of special occasion. But if you wear glasses and you're getting married, clearly somebody has indeed made a pass at you. So why not forget the special occasion contacts and rock your cute frames? Unless you've found the magical unicorn of contact lenses, you'll probably feel more comfortable and there will be less photos catching you touching your eyeball or awkwardly squinting when your eyes get dry at the end of the night.

photo from : 2017 wedding dress

Show off some statement jewelry! Maybe you wear awesome statement jewelry all the time, so why not continue being awesome on your wedding day? Maybe you NEVER wear statement jewelry, in which case, when will you ever again have the perfect excuse to spend months hunting down the perfect statement necklace than "I'm planning a wedding, see, it's on my to-do list!"

Throw the veil aside! I don't really get the whole veil thing. I wore one for my first communion, and that was quite enough for me. They seem fussy and, depending on the length, like you'd need to designate a veil wrangler. A thankless job if I ever heard one. Instead, you could try a sparkly headband. Or flowers. Or one of those adorable little birdcage veils.

Read more wedding dress uk from OKdress !


