Ultra Powerful Laser Pointer

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Ultra Powerful Laser Pointer

The color of a laser beam is determined by the wavelength of the
light given out by the laser diode in the laser pointer. Our laser
pointers ONLY give out green light. Green light is the most visible
color to the human eye. This makes the beam from our laser pointers very
bright with a spectacular vivid green color. Shoddy green laser
pointers on the other hand do not just give out green light, they also
give out infrared light. Infrared light cannot be seen by the human eye
so the beam from these shoddy Ultra Powerful Laser Pointer
is not as bright as it should be and is also very dangerous.We have
come across many complaints online from buyers all over the world about
shoddy green lasers pointers. In order to help customers understand the
dangers of shoddy laser pointers and clear up some misunderstandings,
we've listed below information on shoddy laser pointers.A genuine green
laser pointer has an infrared filter inside that blocks infrared light.
Shoddy laser pointers have had this filter removed. Without this filter,
these laser pointers are very dangerous. You can damage your eyes and
not even be aware of it until to late.So if you have a high powered
laser pointer that is not bright, please destroy it immediately because
it is dangerous to your health.Another problem with shoddy laser
pointers is their shell. Their shell is commonly made out of normal
metal or even plastic. A high powered DPSS laser module generates a lot
of heat. If shell is made out of poor quality material, the heat from
the laser can not be released and will build up inside very quickly.
This will cause the laser to burn out and be destroyed. The shell for
dragonlasers is made from a special metal alloy. When a 95mW Dragon GLP
has been working for 60 seconds, your hand can feel the heat been
released from the shell as the laser is kept cool.

This 200mW burning green laser pointer is powerful and cheap. You may
find the similar shapes, but this one is made of the best laser diode.
It can be working for a long time, and you can use it for years. It's
true Laser Pointer
, true power and reasonable price.Never stare directly at the laser
beam.Please keep out of reach of children.Do not drop the laser pointer
on hard surface;it damages the pointer components and causes a
malfunction.This high-end optic product must be handled with
care.Battery Installation:While inserting the batteries ALWAYS point the
laser emission hole away from your eye.Unscrew the pen clip from the
pen. Insert batteries positive end upward and tightly screw the pen
clip.Presss the push button to turn it on.Release the push button to
shut if off automatically.Operating temperature: 15-35 degree.This
pointer is not designed for long-term use.Constantly turning on will
return accumulation of high temperature and sacrifice the lifetime of
laser diode.
Its a great laser for the price, it will burn holes through black
plastic bags and the beam is highly visible at night. The beam dot is
highly visible in the day time so it works great for pointing things out
to people when your outside on field trips. I am very happy with this
company I had no problems with my order and it arrived on time. I will
definitely use this company for any future purchases.

The manufacturer contacted Amazon as well as FDA about their
concerns. As of late January 2013, Amazon had not responded. Therefore,
they sent the information to us, in the hope that the general public
would be able to know of the potential hazard from these Amazon-sold
lasers.The manufacturer’s testing procedures were also reviewed by a
U.S. government expert in testing laser pointers. He said that the
detector is a large area, high power thermopile which may have some
inaccuracies when testing low-power devices. However, his own experience
leads him to state that “it is very nice data to see” and it does
correlate with what he had found about overpowered laser
pointers.However we see a lot of extremely low priced green laser pointers
products that are sold on Amazon. We strongly suspected that many of
the lasers being sold very cheaply on Amazon could not possibly meet the
FDA regulation and in fact are extremely dangerous to the consumer.
Therefore we brought some of them to do test and what we found was far
beyond what we even originally suspected. Please refer the attached test
report for specific test data results.A shoddy laser pointer is
completely different from a genuine dragonlasers GLP, the Laser diode,
crystal, lens...every component is different. Shoddy green laser
pointers can usually only work for 30 to 50 hours before burning out and
becoming useless.The only advantage in buying a shoddy green laser
pointer is that they are sold with beautiful carrying case. The problem
with these boxes is that they are imitation "Parker Pen" boxes that are
designed for pens not laser pointers.

A high power laser can burn things because the beam is extremely
concentrated light and light energy can be absorbed by some objects and
converted to heat.The burning ability of a laser depends on several
factors.Laser Output Power: Higher power laser beams burn things more
easily and faster.Laser Beam Width: A thinner laser beam always burn
things better than a wider laser beam.Object Color: Dark colored objects
normally absorb more light energy so they are easier to burn than light
colored objects that sometimes do not absorb light energy.Immobile: A
moving laser beam does not give the object enough time to absorb light
energy. The laser beam dot needs to keep still on the object for several
seconds to make it burn.You may be asking why a shoddy laser pointer
can have a power of 200mW but be less bright than a 50mW dragonlaser.
Here is the trick. As we just said, these laser pointers give out a lot
of infrared light which you can't see making them less bright. Laser
power meters however cannot distinguish between green light and infrared
light. The 200mW power level of a shoddy Laser Gloves
will normally be made up of mostly infrared light. For example a
combination 25mW green (532nm) and 175mW infrared (808nm). A 50mW
dragonlaser will be 50mW green with virtually no infrared.It is so nice
to get exactly what you ordered-and even better than --This is a
excellant pointer and is right on the specs--does everything claimed and
more!! I was hesitant to order as I never get the power thats stated
from other sites but I did and am I pleased--not only powerful but well
designed-great balance--way good price-and the delivary time was 10 days
quicker than the others!!!Time to brush up on morse code and order
more!! !

Some customers are attracted to shoddy lasers because they use high
powered rechargeable batteries. The secret of laser technology depends
on many things but one of them IS NOT batteries. A shoddy laser pointer
with high powered batteries still gives out a weak green beam.A laser
pointer or laser pen is a small portable device with a power source
(usually a battery) and a laser emitting a very narrow coherent
low-powered beam of visible light, intended to be used to highlight
something of interest by illuminating it with a small bright spot of
colored light.Safety Class: Visible laser pointers (400–700 nm)
operating at less than 1 mW power are Class 2 or II, and visible laser
pointers operating with 1–5 mW power are Class 3A or IIIa. Class 3B or
IIIb lasers generate between 5mW and 500 mW, Class 4 or IV lasers
generate more than 500 mW. Warning: Blue Laser Pointer
if aimed at a person's eyes can cause temporary disturbances to
vision. There is some evidence of rare minor permanent harm, but
low-powered laser pointers are not seriously hazardous to health. They
may be a major annoyance in some circumstances. A dot of light from a
red laser pointer may be thought to be due to a laser gunsight, causing
outrage and possible danger. When pointed at aircraft at night, laser
pointers may dazzle and distract pilots.


