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  • ブログ

    Weekend -今年の夏は暑くなるのか?-

    気象庁のHPをみると、 http://www.jma.go.jp/ (季節予報をクリックして、予報期間を3ヶ月にする) 今年は、暑くなりそうな感じです。 どこで、読んだのか忘れましたが、 本当に暑すぎると、飲み物の売上がよく、 適度に暑いと、アイスクリームなどが売れる という話を思い出します。 あなたは、猛暑を、どう、しのぎますか? 1.「やっぱり、ビールだ!」 ... ...続きを読む

  • ブログ

    don't forget #14

    Please don't forget that you can only analyze and take an action from what you believe. What is the diference between succesful people and not succesfull people is that how to see your mis... ...続きを読む

  • ブログ

    don't forget #13

    Please don't forget to think both negative way and positive way before you buy a stock

  • ブログ

    don't forget #12

    Please don't forget that nobody can be perfect. The important thing is when you can accept the things around you and how you take an action from that.

  • ブログ

    don't forget #11

    Please don't forget that you will never regret if you make a dicision by yourself in the long run because it's your life

  • ブログ

    don't forget #10

    Please don't forget that smart people learn from history, average people learn from mentor and the left learn anything at all.

  • ブログ

    don't forget #9

    please don't forget that you don't buy a stock. You buy people's feeling

  • ブログ

    don't forget #8

    Please don't forget that stocks never go up forever, and vice versa

  • ブログ

    don't forget #7

    Please don't forget that you don't have to be upset even if the stock you bought went down as long as you had the strong reason to buy them.

  • ブログ

    don't forget #6

    Please don't forget to ask yourself whether to follow someone else's idea or drive your own path.

  • ブログ

    Weekend -Old Saying- #1

    Buy Low, Sell High

  • ブログ

    don't forget #5

    Please don't forget that you have to lose something if you would like to have another. You can expect the same value from "exchange" but not from "trade".

  • ブログ

    don't forget #4

    Please don't forget that you don't necessarily have to trade every day. I wish you sometimes go outside and enjoy your life.

  • ブログ

    don't forget #3

    Please don't forget that you might lose your temper when you are obsessed about trading.

  • ブログ

    don't forget #2

    Please don't forget that people behind you are selling the stock you just bought now.

  • ブログ

    don't forget #1

    Please don't forget checking a Market every day whether or not you have a time.

