*1 PLL社は、LNG 受入基地の建設と LNG の輸入事業を目的として、インドの国営企業4社が中心となって 1998 年に設立されたインド最大の LNG 輸入会社。
*2 アンローディングアームは、LNGタンカーと受け入れ配管を接続し、LNGを荷揚げして陸側のタンクに受け入れるための設備。
2024年10月25日に行われた契約調印式 左から2番目、PLL社V. Bhusari契約・購買担当ゼネラルマネージャー、左から4番目、PLL社 P. Narang テクニカルディレクター、右から3番目、Toyo-India S. Shelkeコマーシャル&セールスエグゼクティブディレクター
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Toyo- India awarded EPC contract for Topside Facilities at Dahej LNG Terminal’s Third Berth (Jetty)
Toyo Engineering India Private Limited (Toyo-India, Managing Director Takashi Kawahara), a subsidiary of Toyo Engineering Corporation (President and CEO Eiji Hosoi), has been awarded the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) contract for the Topside Facilities of the Third Berth (Jetty) at the Dahej LNG Terminal in Gujarat, India, by Petronet LNG Limited (PLL*¹). The project is scheduled for completion by Q1 2027.
PLL, one of the fastest growing world-class public limited company in the India’s energy sector, has awarded Toyo-India its 5th contract, further strengthening the partnership between two companies. This new contract further demonstrates Toyo-India's proven expertise and capabilities in executing large-scale EPC projects within the LNG sector.
This project underscores Toyo-India's commitment to delivering high-quality solutions in the LNG sector and fortifying its relationship with key industry players like PLL.
Project Overview
*1 PLL, established in 1998 by four major Indian state-owned enterprises,, is the largest LNG import company in India, formed with the purpose of constructing LNG receiving terminals and facilitating LNG imports.
* 2 An unloading arm is equipment used to connect an LNG tanker to receiving pipelines, enabling transfer and storage of LNG in receiving tanks.
Mr. V. Bhusari, General Manager -Contracts and Purchase, PLL (2nd from left), Mr. P. Narang, Director-Technical, PLL (4th from left) and Mr. S. Shelke, Executive Director-Commercial & Sales, Toyo-I (3rd from right), and other senior executives, at the contract signing event, on 25th October 2024.
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