インドネシア・アチェにおけるグリーンアンモニア事業“GAIA”に関しPIHC、伊藤忠と共同開発契約を締結<English follows>
本共同開発の一環として、2024年8月より、基本設計(FEED)を実施、並行して2024年内には3社でJoint Venture Companyを設立、2025年前半の最終投資決定(FID)および、2027年頃の生産開始を目指します。

アジア・ゼロエミッション共同体(AZEC)にて行われた調印式の様子 左から、 TOYO 細井栄治 取締役社長、伊藤忠商事 木村卓 機械カンパニープラント・船舶・航空機部門都市環境・電力インフラ部長 、 齋藤健 経済産業大臣、Rosan Perkasa Roeslani インドネシア投資大臣、PIHC社 Rahmad Pribadi President Director
▼2022年5月31日 インドネシアにおけるグリーンアンモニア生産の事業化調査開始
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TOYO, PIHC and ITOCHU Signed A Joint Development Agreement of The Green Ammonia Initiative from Aceh (Project “GAIA”)
Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO, President and CEO Eiji Hosoi) has signed a Joint Development Agreement (JDA) with Pupuk Indonesia Holding Company (President Director Rahmad Pribadi,"PIHC"), a state-owned fertilizer company in the Republic of Indonesia, and ITOCHU Corporation (President and COO Keita Ishii,"ITOCHU"). The agreement focuses on producing green ammonia by installing an electrolyzer at the existing ammonia plant owned by Pupuk Iskandar Muda ("PIM"), a subsidiary of PIHC, and supplying green hydrogen derived from renewable energy sources. The signing of this JDA was announced at the 2nd Ministerial Meeting of the Asian Zero Emission Community (AZEC) held in Jakarta on August 21, 2024.
The project aims to produce green ammonia at the existing plant, which TOYO designed and built in the 2000s. This plant is currently owned and operated by PIM in the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) of Aceh. ITOCHU will procure the green ammonia as marine fuel, thereby establishing a comprehensive value chain. This initiative marks Indonesia’s first and the world’s first commercial-scaled green ammonia production for marine fuel by utilizing part of the production capacity of the existing plant.
The initiative also aims to expand this mechanism to other existing plants under PIHC in the future. In addition, the GAIA project has been selected by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as a subsidized project for the "Global South Future-Oriented Co-Creation Business Expense Subsidy”.
As part of this joint development, the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) will commence in August 2024. Simultaneously, the three companies will establish a joint venture company (JVC) in 2024, with a final investment decision (FID) targeted for the first half of 2025 and the Commercial Operation Date (COD) targeted for 2027.
TOYO has been leveraging its extensive experience in ammonia plant construction in Indonesia and globally to advance the production and business development of green ammonia derived from renewable energy. Through this project, TOYO will continue to contribute to the realization of a sustainable society.

Photo of а signing ceremony in the Asian Zero Emission Community (AZEC) From left to right, Mr. Eiji Hosoi, President and CEO, TOYO/ Mr. Taku Kimura, General Manager Urban Environmental & Power Infrastructure Dept.Plant Project, Marine & Aerospace Division Machinery Company, ITOCHU Corporation / Mr. Ken Saito, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry/ Mr. Rosan Perkasa Roeslani, Minister of Investment, Republic of Indonesia / Mr. Rahmad Pribadi, President Director, PIHC
Please refer to the link below
▼May 31, 2022 TOYO to commence a Feasibility Study for Green Ammonia production in Indonesia
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