インドネシア肥料プラント向け尿素ライセンス供与プロジェクトを受注<English Follows>

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最新投稿日時:2023/11/20 13:47 - 「インドネシア肥料プラント向け尿素ライセンス供与プロジェクトを受注<English Follows>」(PR TIMES)




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インドネシア肥料プラント向け尿素ライセンス供与プロジェクトを受注<English Follows>

投稿:2023/11/20 13:47
TOYO Awarded Licensing and Equipment Supply Contract for Urea Fertilizer Plant in Indonesia

東洋エンジニアリング株式会社(取締役社長 細井 栄治、以下、TOYO)はインドネシアの国営肥料会社、PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang(ププク・スリウィジャヤ・パレンバン、以下、プスリ)が南スマトラ州パレンバン地区に建設する肥料プラントに尿素ライセンスを供与するプロジェクトを、中国のWUHUAN ENGINEERING CO.,LTD.(中国五环工程有限公司ウーハンエンジニアリング、以下、ウーハン)より受注しました。



TOYOはこれまで100件以上の尿素プラント建設実績があり、そのうちプスリが保有する7プラントの建設・改造プロジェクトを1970年代から遂行してきました。また、2015年にインドネシアのPT Petrokimia Gresik (ペトロキミアグレシック)向けの肥料プラントで、TOYOは尿素ライセンサーとしてウーハンと共にプロジェクトを遂行しており、インドネシアプラント建設におけるノウハウと実績が評価され、受注に至りました。


*2:ACES21(R)からさらなる原料昇圧動力削減・プロセス効率向上によるエネルギー消費減(スチーム・電気を3~5%)と、合成機器軽量化による合成高圧機器コストを削減(5~10%)できる技術。新設プラント及び既設プラントのどちらにも適用可能。LPはLow Pressure(低圧)の意味。



客先:PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang(ププク・スリウィジャヤ・パレンバン)
契約先:WUHUAN ENGINEERING CO.,LTD. (ウーハンエンジニアリング)
対象設備:肥料プラント(尿素 日産2,750トン)

<English Follows>
Toyo Engineering Corporation (TOYO, President and CEO Eiji Hosoi) has been awarded a licensing and equipment supply contract for a fertilizer plant of PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri) in the Palembang District of South Sumatra from WUHUAN ENGINERING CO., LTD. (“Wuhuan”) in China.

TOYO will provide its urea license and the process design package as a Urea Licensor as well as the proprietary equipment, and associated technical services for this project.

TOYO’s advanced urea synthesis technology ACES21(R)*1 will be applied in this project, and the plant will be designed to be compatible with TOYO’s most advanced urea synthesis technology, ACES21-LP(R)*2 for the first time. ACES21-LP(R) is a technology that combines ACES21(R) with advanced low-pressure synthesis technology to reduce energy consumption in supplying raw materials, and improve process efficiency. Application of this TOYO’s latest synthesis technology also leads to plant costs reduction due to the considerably lighter weight of the synthesis equipment, thereby contributing to low-cost urea production and global environmental conservation.

TOYO has constructed more than 100 urea plants all over the world up to now. TOYO constructed and revamped Pusri's seven urea plants since the 1970s. In 2015 TOYO as Urea Licensor jointly with Wuhuan implemented a fertilizer plant project for PT Petrokimia Gresik (PKG) in Indonesia. And as a result, TOYO was recognized for its know-how and achievements in the plant construction in Indonesia, which lead to award of this project as well.

The demand for fertilizers is expected to continue growing in the future so to ensure increased food production in line with population growth, and therefore many fertilizer plants are currently planned to be constructed around the world.
As a licensor of the advanced urea technology TOYO will strive to meet the increased demand for fertilizers in countries around the world while at the same time considering the global environment by building fertilizer plants with application of its latest and most advanced technologies.

*1: Simplification of the urea synthesis process not only reduces plant construction costs, but also optimizes operating conditions and thus reduces operating costs as well. Applied already at 16 urea fertilizer plants.
*2: The technology that reduces energy consumption (by 3-5% for steam and electricity) due to further reduction of raw material pressure and improving process efficiency as compared to ACES21(R). Implementing this new technology to new plants with dedicated design for ACES21-LP(R) can also reduce the weight of synthesis equipment, which reduces cost of the equipment (by 5-10%). The technology is applicable to both new and existing plants. LP stands for low-pressure.

History of Synthetic Pressure Reduction in the Urea Process of TOYO

Comparative Diagram with Other Companies

Project Summary:
Client: PT Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri)
Contractor: Wuhuan Engineering Co., Ltd. (Wuhuan)
Licenser: TOYO Engineering Corporation
Location: Palembang, South Sumatra
Equipment: Fertilizer plant (2,750 tons of urea / day)
Services: Urea licensor (licensing, basic design, procurement of proprietary equipment, technical services)
Completion: 2027


銘柄名称 株価 前日比
