既にネットには発表されていましたが、今日配信された"American Go E-Journal"でも「大阪碁キャンプ」が大きく取り上げられています。(下にコピーがあります) 翔年は来年も大勢の外国人がこのキャンプに参加してくれることを期待しています。そして、仲間達とできるだけのお手伝いをしたいと話し合っています。
前田 亮 関西棋院六段
(Maeda Ryo, 6p)
黎 ティン 関西棋院初段
(Li Ting, 1p)
(supported by Kansai-Kiin)
(supported by Osaka University of Commerce)
(Main Place)
(The main playing site will be at the TTS Center of Osaka University of Commerce.
(The go camp will take place from June 29 - July 19 2014.)
(In these three weeks, you will experience:)
〇 関西棋院のプロ棋士による徹底的なトレーニング
( - Intensive training by pros of the Kansai-Kiin )
〇 プロ棋士と一緒に関西棋院内で碁を打つ機会
( - Opportunity to play Go inside the Kiin with pros )
〇 元院生の強豪アマチュアーとの対戦と交流
( - Play against top amateur players, former Inseis and make friends )
〇 京都、奈良、姫路など歴史ある都市の観光
( - Sightseeing to major historical cities like Kyoto, Nara and Himeji )
〇 事務局主催の二日間の日本文化に浸れる旅
( - Organized major two-days cultural trip )
12月11日から受付が始まってます。申し込みはこちら。E-mail: osaka.go.2014@ gmail.com
(The registration is now officially open.)
1 「大阪碁キャンプ2014」のHPはここ
2 American Go E-Journalの記事
Maeda Organizing 2014 Go Camp in Osaka
Friday December 20, 2013
Maeda Ryo 6P, the popular Japanese professional who’s a regular attendee at the annual U.S.Go Congress, is organizing a 3-week intensive go camp in Osaka again next year, running from June 29 through July 19. “We had 32 attendees from 11 countries all over the world this year, including Iraq and Bahrain, and it was a blast,” Maeda (right) says. “After the long day of training and lectures, they were still playing till midnight! There was lots of laughter and great spirit; we had such a great time.” Osaka Go Camp activities include intensive training by Kansai Kiin professionals, the opportunity to play go at the Kiin with professionals, play against top amateurs and former inseis, as well as sightseeing, cultural trips and making new go friends. Register by the end of February for a 5,000-yen discount. The camp is sponsored by Kansai Kiin and the Osaka University of Commerce.
3 今年、翔年は大阪碁キャンプの親善対局に参加しました。記事はここ