Good batteries make coils!

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2022/07/18 - vapeoemさんの株式ブログ。タイトル:「Good batteries make coils!」 本文:Vaper safe in meca modThere are many vapers and vapers who want to get into the mechanical mod and


Good batteries make coils!


Vaper safe in meca mod

There are many vapers and vapers who want to get into the mechanical mod and invest in sumptuous and expensive equipment. Dual-battery mech boxes are popular in vape lounges and the public is addicted. There are even vapers who start and embark on the adventure without really being aware of the technical issues of the vape in mecha. A safe vape is a vape OEM that respects a few rules and laws, including ohm's law.

One of the golden rules is to choose your battery(ies) carefully. A second rule, inseparable from the first, is to match the resistance of the atomizer, of the dripper, with the real capacities of the chosen battery. By capacity, we mean the CDM, the Maximum Discharge Current of the battery, which roughly represents all the current that the battery can send when you press the fire switch. If the resistance is low and the energy demand is too high for the battery, it is in difficulty and degrades. A degradation which most often results in degassing (this is why the mods have ventilation holes).

First of all, you need to equip yourself with batteries with a stable and suitable chemistry. IMR batteries with lithium manganese (Li-MN) chemistry are ideal because they are more stable than Li-on batteries, for example. These batteries have a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts. When fully charged, these batteries have a maximum voltage of 4.2 volts. In the other direction, the battery must not have a voltage lower than 3.3 volts under penalty of degradation of the battery.

Then, you have to be sure of the Amperage of your battery. This value is not always indicated. Or, when it is, we do not know if it is the amperage in continuous discharge or in pulse. And if the continuous amperage is marked, how much can the battery go up to?

In the case of regulated boxes (for example a Hexohm), it is the chipset which can be degraded if the assembly requires too much current. Either way, the hardware suffers.

A word about mods with serial batteries.

This is an important point. On a box, either the batteries are in parallel, or they are in series. In parallel, two identical batteries charged at 4.2 volts each will have a total value of 4.2 volts. On a box in series, the total value will be 8.4 volts! Yes, the capacities accumulate and the precautions to be taken too.

How do I know if my assembly corresponds to my batteries?

In short, how to navigate these technical complications? The whole secret is in the editing.

Above all, when it comes to mod and whatever it is, it is highly recommended to choose batteries with at least 20 amps. It's a minimum. To choose your battery it is obvious that the purchase in a specialized shop is essential and discount batteries are to be avoided.

The continuous discharge current of most 18650 batteries is 20 amps. If the resistance is too low, the amperage becomes dangerously high for the capabilities of the battery. To get an idea of ​​the type of assembly that must be done, and to be quiet, I have reproduced below a table found on the excellent blog of CAK, thank you.

Make your assemblies by respecting these figures and by keeping in mind that you will be quiet with assemblies which do not need more than 20 Amps.
